15 Quotes & Sayings By Charles Kennedy

Charles Kennedy CBE was Leader of the Liberal Democrats from 2001 to 2007 and Leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords from 2007 to 2011. He was the Member of Parliament for Ross, Cromarty & Skye from 1992 to 2015. He was born in Paisley in 1969, educated at the University of Glasgow, and worked in banking in London before entering politics. He has been married to Mandy Smith since 1999 and they have two children.

Courage is a peculiar kind of fear. Charles Kennedy
The most special relationships, in my experience, are based on a combination of trust and mutual respect. Charles Kennedy
Music and politics are in essence about communication. Without over-stretching the analogy I do feel a sense of rhythm is important in getting your message across. Charles Kennedy
The quicker we get rid of the lobby system the better for all of us. I don't think in this day and age it is tenable to have these nods and winks, and on-the-record and off-the-record briefings. Charles Kennedy
Gratification and happiness are becoming important measures of our quality of life. Charles Kennedy
The way to defeat international terrorism is through international cooperation based on international law, clear intelligence, and a measured and appropriate military response. Charles Kennedy
Good political leadership for me involves getting the big decisions right - however difficult, however controversial, however potentially divisive - and then being able to take people with you. Charles Kennedy
If British troops are committed to action, then the nation will, of course, support them. Their courage and skill is not in doubt. Charles Kennedy
I should do something about the cigarettes; I quite accept that it's bad for your health, but you know a moderate tipple is positively beneficial and, at certain times, absolutely essential. Charles Kennedy
Democracy demands trust. It demands that sense of mutual understanding. And - it's a two way street. You've got to give - as much as you take. Charles Kennedy
The one thing we can all be sure about in politics is you are as well to expect the unexpected. Charles Kennedy
It is my determination that we, as a party, continue to make that fundamental restatement of liberal values in the politics of our country. Charles Kennedy
Politics means facing up to hard choices and facing down prejudice, short-termism, the easy, tempting court of knee-jerk public reaction. Charles Kennedy
We believe that government in Britain is there to protect people from terrorism and from the worst criminality, but never at the expense of our civil liberties and the basic tenets of our legal system. Charles Kennedy